Dragons Hit The Books

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Gaming, Books and MoviesPrevious entry: Chilly Dragons I'm going to try and keep this a bit short today - though, for being a bit busier than usual, I've surprisingly more to update than usual. Pain has been a constant companion and I've had to rely on medication (which only barely helps) … Continue reading Dragons Hit The Books

Chilly Dragons

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Gaming and MoviesPrevious entry: Dragons Gone Shopping So, it's been a little while since I updated - I honestly hadn't realised just how long - but things have been busy. Not only was my best friend in town for about a week, but she and I also attended the Book of … Continue reading Chilly Dragons

New Arrivals

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Reading, Games and a Movie! Previous Entry: Empty Shell I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Easter weekend! It's been a relatively quiet - if exciting - Easter for me and the family, with the addition of a new pet - my Betta Fish (aka. Siamese Fighting Fish), who I've named … Continue reading New Arrivals