Building With Dragons

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Gaming and MoviesPrevious entry: Sparrows, Angels and Dragons I'm going to try and keep this entry short. My shoulders have still been quite painful and I've been having a lot of issues with the rest of my joints - never able to get comfortable and feeling achy all over - as … Continue reading Building With Dragons

A 10 Day Update!

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Zen Koi, Reading, a Movie and TV Shows Previous entry: Frustrated Dragons It's been awhile since I updated, hasn't it? And you wouldn't believe the turmoil that disturbed my normal patterns... So, my last few updates had actually been completed while I wasn't at home. Tearing Through Tuesday was written on my … Continue reading A 10 Day Update!

Frustrated Dragons

Entry includes: Dragon Story and Reading Previous entry: Deep in Discomfort Okay, so it's not the dragons that are frustrated... But I am about ready to scream! I've been having so much trouble with sleeping lately, never really getting comfortable and then spending my waking hours with shoulders that ache and lock, restricting my movements and making … Continue reading Frustrated Dragons