Dragon Tales Event – Universal Guide

Now, I’ve noticed a particular pattern appearing for each Dragon Tale and thought I’d take the chance to create a universal guide – one that covered every event. Dragon_Tales_Archive

Important Hints:

  1. Hoard as much food as possible. The quest will require you to feed your first (crafted) dragon to level 14 (CDragon1), your second (crafted) dragon to level 12 (CDragon2) and your third (bred) dragon to level 7 (BDragon).
  2. Players should avoid doing quests at the quest post that are unrelated to the event (ie. Showtime!)
  3. Always read ahead! If you can prepare for a task early, you can complete the chapter easily.
  4. Ensure you have habitats for the dragons you will be hatching – there is nothing worse than trying to hatch a dragon only to realise you have nowhere to place it!
  5. Start breeding BDragon as soon as possible – sometimes, even though they’re common, they are not easy to get.
  6. By the end of the quest, you will have needed to collect a minimum of 10 items (Item1) from the first quest (Q1) and 9 items (Item2) from the second quest (Q2).


Chapter One

  1. Plant 6 Fireapples
  2. Harvest 6 Fireapples
  3. Feed any dragon 5 times
  4. Plant any 6 crops (Recommended: 1 hour crops, max)

Hint: avoid any lengthy crafting projects and start trying to breed BDragon. (Check out our Helpful Links for more information!)


Chapter Two

  1. Feed any dragon 8 times
  2. Plant 3 Impruberries
  3. Collect from Breeding
  4. Start crafting CDragon1.

Hint: Evolve CDragon1 to level 4 before Chapter 3 and, if time permits, try for level 7 or complete (at least one) quest.


Chapter Three

  1. Finish crafting and hatch CDragon1
  2. Raise yCDragon1 to Level 3
  3. Start Q1 to collect Item1


  • Complete (at least) one Q1 and Q2; consider completing more quests to collect the items necessary for completing this Dragon Tale
  • Continue feeding CDragon1 (aim for Level 7, minimum)


Chapter Four

  1. Start Q2 to collect Item2
  2. Raise your CDragon1 to Level 4
  3. Breed any dragon with a Mist Dragon (Hint: avoid using CDragon1)
  4. Start crafting Craft1. (Requires: 2x Item1, 1x Item2)


  • DO NOT collect Craft1 until prompted in Chapter Five.
  • Continue feeding CDragon1, aiming for Level 10 (ensure that you reach Level 7!).
  • Aim to complete 2x Q2, ensuring you have 3x Item2s in storage.


Chapter Five

  1. Raise CDragon1 to Level 7
  2. Craft and place (or collect!) Craft1
  3. Collect from Breeding
  4. Start Q1


  • Feed CDragon1 to level 12 (Level 11, minimum).
  • Ensure you have a BDragon (go to Helpful Links for more info!).
  • Ensure you have 3x Item2 in storage (from Q2).
  • Continue collecting Item1 and Item2 from the quests. (Remember, another 8x Item1 and 8x Item2 are needed to complete the event!)gold-1584974.png

Chapter Six

  1. Start creating Craft2 (Requires 3x Item2do not collect!)
  2. Hatch BDragon (Note: if you already have one, this step may be skipped)
  3. Start Q2.
  4. Raise your CDragon1 to Level 11
  5. Collect from Breeding


  • Do not collect Craft2 until prompted in Chapter Seven.
  • Raise BDragon to Level 6 (Level 4 minimum). Raise your CDragon1 to Level 13.
  • Complete more quests (a further 8x Item1s and 5x Item2s are required to complete the quest)
  • Begin Q1 approx. 3 hours before the next chapter – do not collect until prompted!


Chapter Seven

  1. Complete Q1
  2. Raise CDragon1 to Level 13
  3. Craft and decorate with (or collect!) Craft2
  4. Breed with CDragon1
  5. Start crafting CDragon2


  • Hatch and feed CDragon2 to Level 4 ASAP (if possible, aim higher!)
  • Ensure your BDragon is level 6 (minimum!)
  • Complete more quests (a further 8x Item1s and 5x Item2s are required to complete the quest)


Chapter Eight

  1. Raise your CDragon2 to level 5
  2. Breed CDragon1 with BDragon
  3. Win 1 fight with your CDragon2
  4. Raise BDragon to Level 6
  5. Win 2 fights in the Battle Arena


  • Complete more quests (a further 8x Item1s and 5x Item2s are required to complete the quest)
  • Evolve CDragon2 to Level 8 minimum (try for 10).
  • Raise your CDragon1 to Level 14.
  • Ensure you keep 4x Item1s and 2x Item2s in storage and, if possible, create 1x Craft3 with the spares.


Chapter Nine

  1. Win 2 fights with CDragon2 (Hint: start the Bright Light quest now!)
  2. Raise CDragon2 to Level 8
  3. Complete Q1
  4. Create a Craft3 (Requires: 4x Item1s & 2x Item2s)
  5. Raise CDragon1 to Level 14


  • Ensure CDragon2 is at Level 10 (aim for Level 12!)
  • Craft another Craft3 (Requires: 4x Item1s & 2x Item2s)
  • Do not request anything from neighbours (as you will be asked to collect items from neighbours in the next chapter!)
  • Ensure you have 1x Item2 remaining in storage


Chapter Ten

  1. Request (and receive) 5x Items from Neighbours (Hint: plant 6 fireapples and craft your Crystal Spire – do not collect either!)
  2. Harvest 6 Fireapples
  3. Raise CDragon2 to Level 12
  4. Craft (or collect) and decorate with Craft4
  5. Win 4 Fights in the Battle Arena

Quest Completed!

2 thoughts on “Dragon Tales Event – Universal Guide

  1. Pingback: Dragon Tales – Secret City 2 | DraconicDistractions

  2. Pingback: Dragon Tales – Sea Sages | DraconicDistractions

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