Sparrows, Angels and Dragons

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Gaming, Movies and ReadingPrevious entry: What's in a Name? It's been a bit quiet this week - something I rather appreciate as my shoulders have been (and still are) really misbehaving. Hence, though I've spent some time playing Sims 4, I've also been trying to do as little as possible to … Continue reading Sparrows, Angels and Dragons

Illusive Dragons

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Reading Previous entry: Keeping it Short Dragon Story Summer Hatching World Event Another event and (for once) I am really thrilled about it! Not only am I, so far, doing quite well in collecting points, but I'm also not all that upset if I miss out on the dragons - I just … Continue reading Illusive Dragons

The Calm…

Entry includes: Dragon Story, Game Night, Reading and Movies Previous entry: Back to Normal? It's been a busy few days, though I don't feel like I've achieved anything. Since my last update, we've had the family visit to check up on my mother, she's had another blood test (no phone call yet!) and about a thousand other small … Continue reading The Calm…